It is quite obvious that practically every developer, even a newcomer in programming, can create and destroy objects correctly. A classic construction that is used in the majority of programs looks the following way:
Yes, some time ago, there were a lot of discussions about a place of object creation: before an exception handler or within the try-finally-end construction. Of course, now, it is not difficult to find an answer to this question. An example of the well-written code can be found on many online resources, such as stackoverflow, in books and in official documentation.
But do you really understand why it is so and what can happen if you use the wrong variant? It is possible that you will have to answer this question during a technical interview. If you do not know the correct answer, just keep reading this article. So, let’s start.
For our convenience we will use the CodeSite logging system. You can install its lite version from GetIt Package Manager or you can get debug messages another way.
Let’s create a class.
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 | TMyClass = class
function getSelfPointer: Pointer;
constructor Create(beRaized: Boolean = False);
procedure Free; overload;
{$R *.dfm}
{ TMyClass }
constructor TMyClass.Create(beRaized: Boolean);
if beRaized then
raise Exception.Create('Error Message');
procedure TMyClass.Free;
// inherited;
CodeSite.Send( 'Destroy object');
if Self <> nil then
CodeSite.Send( ' Destroyed object address:', IntToHex(Integer(Pointer(self))));
function TMyClass.getSelfPointer: Pointer;
Result := Pointer(Self);
end; |
In our class we will redefine the Free method only for having a look at the address of the object that we want to destroy. We will copy the code that will destroy the object from the Free method of the TObject class. The only unique method will be getSelfPointer that returns the Pointer to the Object.
The class constructor as a parameter will have a logical meaning. If it equals True, an exception will be generated and an object won’t be created.
Now, let’s take two global variables of the TMyClass type.
Then let’s place two buttons on the form and define click handlers for them.
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 | procedure TfMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
MyObject:= TMyClass.Create();
CodeSite.Send('Actual MyObject address: ', IntToHex(Integer(MyObject.getSelfPointer ), 8));
MyObject2:= TMyClass.Create();
CodeSite.Send('MyObject2 was created. Actual MyObject2 address: ', IntToHex(Integer(MyObject2.getSelfPointer ), 8));
// MyObject:= TMyClass.Create(True);
CodeSite.Send('Try creating MyObject');
MyObject:= TMyClass.Create(True);
CodeSite.Send( 'MyObject. Finally');
procedure TfMain.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
CodeSite.Send( 'MyObject2.ClassName', MyObject2.ClassName );
end; |
To begin with, we create an object MyObject and put its address in the memory to the log and immediately destroy it. Then we create MyObject2, check its address in the log and then create MyObject again. At the same time, we generate an exception in the constructor. Actually, this object won’t be created.
According to the official documentation:
If an exception is raised during execution of a constructor that was invoked on a class reference, the Destroy destructor is automatically called to destroy the unfinished object (
As a result of the code execution, in the log we see the following:
1234567 | Actual MyObject address: = 018A8B80
Destroy object
Destroyed object address: = 018A8B80
MyObject2 was created. Actual MyObject2 address: = 018A8B80
Try creating MyObject.
MyObject. Finally
Destroy object |
At the very beginning, MyObject is created and then it is immediately destroyed. Then MyObject2 is created. And here’s where we have the first surprise. The address of a new object is fully identical to the address of the object that has been destroyed. But, actually, there is nothing unexpected given the peculiarities of how the object storage is organized in Delphi.
Then we need to bear in mind that though the Free method destroys an object, it doesn’t destroy the link that leads to it.
In other words, MyObject won’t be equal to nil.
What happens if now during the creation of the object placed inside the exception handler, an error will arise? You are right, the finally block will be executed and the Free method will be called.
We are talking about this part of the code:
123456789 | try
CodeSite.Send('Try creating MyObject');
MyObject:= TMyClass.Create(True);
CodeSite.Send( 'MyObject. Finally');
end; |
We remember that the object won’t be created. But a static method Free will consider that the object is still available at the address 018A8B80 as the link after the first creation of the object is stored. But in reality that’s the address of another object that will be destroyed. To make sure that it is so, it is enough just to press Button2.
1234 | procedure TfMain.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
CodeSite.Send( 'MyObject2.ClassName', MyObject2.ClassName );
end; |
We will get a well-known Access Violation error.
As a result, due to using this construction for creating and destroying an object, we have destroyed another object.
Similar errors are quite dangerous when it comes to massives (lists) of objects. And the search for such errors is a rather challenging process.
It is obvious that nothing of this kind happens if we create MyObject for the second time in a way that is applied in the majority of cases.
12345678 | MyObject:= TMyClass.Create(True);
CodeSite.Send('Try creating MyObject');
CodeSite.Send( 'MyObject. Finally');
end; |
For a deeper understanding of the information, I recommend reading the following article, as well as the materials provided by Aleksandr Alekseev